Tall Fescue
Festuca arundinacea
A coarse, dark green Perennial. Develops into a durable, coarse turf in thick stands but can form objectionable clumps in fine bladed grasses. Grows from California eastward through the mid-South and across the northern United States.
- Stolons: Absent
- Rhizomes: Absent
- Leaves: Rolled in the bud
- Ligule: Membranous, short
- Collar: Broad, continuous
- Auricles: Absent
- Sheaths: Not compressed, reddish-pink
- Blades: Flat, strongly veined above, rough along the edges, sharp pointed
- Seedhead: An erect, somewhat compressed panicle
- Spikelets: Containing 6 to 8 seeds
- Mowing Height: 2 to 3 inches
- Establishment: Seed, Sod

Tall Fescue Front

Tall Fescue Back

Tolerance Table