75th Southeastern Turfgrass Conference

Agenda  |  Wednesday, October 25

7:30 am Registration & Refreshments
8:00 am Welcome & Introduction
Dean Nick Place & Brian Schwartz, PhD, University of Georgia
8:10 am Turfgrass Science – Does Innovation and Technology Help Turfgrass Managers?
Brian Schwartz, PhD and Jing Zhang, PhD, UGA-Tifton Turfgrass Breeding
8:30 am Nozzle Density Optimization for AI-based Weed Control Systems for Turfgrass
Pawel Petelewicz, PhD, University of Florida
8:50 am Resilient Greenspaces – Turfgrass Selection and Management to Address Emergent Water Challenges
Rebecca Bowling, PhD, University of Tennessee
9:10 am Where is the Future of Turfgrass Management?
Drew Miller, Brentsville High School
9:30 am

Break  |  Conference Sponsor Booths

10:00 am Future-Proofing the American Lawn
Jay McCurdy, PhD, Mississippi State University
10:20 am Operation Double Eagle
Scott Johnson, The Warrior Alliance
10:40 am Precision Turfgrass Management: Current Trends and Future Applications
Chase Straw, PhD, Texas A&M University
11:00 am Understanding Mechanisms Underlying Drought Performance in Warm-Season Turfgrasses
David Jespersen, PhD, University of Georgia
11:20 am Benefits of the USGA’s Investment in Turfgrass and Environmental Research
Cole Thompson, PhD, United States Golf Association
11:40 am Breeding Seed-Propagated Turfgrasses
Sameer Khanal, PhD and Phillip Vines, PhD, UGA-Tifton Turfgrass Breeding
12:00 pm Lunch  |  Conference Sponsor Booths  |  Raffle Giveaway
1:00 pm Rapid-Fire Turfgrass Talks
Graduate Students
1:45 pm Walk to Sanford Stadium
2:30 pm Sanford Stadium Tour  |  Field  |  Locker Room  |  Recruiting Lounge
Matt Hollan & Gerald Henry, PhD, University of Georgia
3:30 pm Adjourn